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※ 去除障碍 ,共生共荣※
海外新闻 Global News
- 1.【The Met】Celebrating Disability at The Met - Disabled and Deaf artists reflect on work from the Museum's collection大都会艺术博物馆庆祝残障——残障和聋人艺术家对于博物馆馆藏作品的思考
https://www.metmuseum.org/perspectives/articles/2022/7/disability-pride - 2.【The Hill】How art helps these disabled creators find themselves - “It’s like my coping mechanism. I’ve even noticed when I’m painting, pain doesn’t feel as intense. It’s almost like you can distract your brain.”艺术如何帮助残障艺术创作者找到自己——“它像我的应对机制。我已经注意到当我在绘画的时候,就不会有那么多痛苦。它可以帮助你的大脑分散注意力。”
- 3.【Now Then】"Art and culture has such an influence": Disabled actor talks theatre accessibility"It made me feel like a second-class member of the audience. Like an afterthought.": Blind actor and Agent of Change speaks to Now Then about accessibility in theatres.“艺术有如此的影响力”:残障演员分享剧场无障碍
——“它使我感觉像个二等观众,是一个事后才被想起的事情”,视障演员和变革推动者与Now Then分享剧场的无障碍故事
本地新闻 Local News
☐ 上海/Shanghai
- 1. 【公益大爆炸】
世界精神卫生日 | 从艺术走近精神康复的日常 - World Mental Health Day Programs at Duoyunxuan Art Museum
- 2.【艺述英国】艺述福利|「弗兰肯斯坦」中文版上海手语场
- A Chinese Version of the British Play Frankenstein in Shanghai Provides Chinese Sign Language Interpretation for Persons with Hearing Impairments
- 3. 【手声倾CAS】【转丨活动报名】邀请听障朋友9月24日走进“乔治·莫兰迪的色彩故事”
- A Guided Tour of the Exhibition of "Giorgio Moradi" at Shanghai Jiushi Art Museum
- 4. 【刺鸟栖息地】10月展讯 | 这三个展览,都关注心理健康。——“少年心事:青少年心理健康艺术展”在上海市精神卫生中心600号画廊看展
- New Art Exhibition Featuring Youth Mental Health Opened at N0. 600 Gallery
- 1.【爱瑞典】开展啦!当无障碍摄影展遇见武康路,会有什么化学反应 #dawa2022
- The Exhibition "AccessAbility" Opened in Shanghai
- 线上展览 Online Exhibition | 这就是我 AccessAbility
- Online Exhibition "AccessAbility" Presented by the Consulate General of Sweden in Shanghai
- 5. 【YOUNG剧场】在剧场,呈现多元包容艺术力量|DAWA@YOUNG回顾
- Diverse and Inclusive Art at Theatre YOUNG开票|共赴《盛会》——DAWA国际无障碍文化节开幕演出
- DAWA Opening Performance GALA at Theatre YOUNG
- 6. 【OCAT上海馆】【OCAT上海馆 | 线上公教】行动的理由——包容性舞团分享
- Online Public Education Program from OCAT Shanghai - A Presentation by the Inclusive Dance Company BewegGrund from Switzerland
- 【OCAT上海馆 | 线上公教 】“隐藏计划”圆桌谈
- Online Public Education Program from OCAT Shanghai - The Hidden Project Roundtable Discussion
- 7. 【上海多伦现代美术馆】新展预告 | 艺术·符号:无界共生
- Exhibition "Deaf Culture / Hearing Culutre - Arts & Signs" Opened in Shanghai
- 活动报名 | 荷花仙境之手语夜
- Registration for Event "Sign Night Shanghai"
- 8. 【碧云 BAM】
- BAM 现场|“刘毅:从外面,走到里面,又看向外面”展出进行时
- Exhibition "LIUYI: Walk in, and then Look through" Opened at Being Art Museum
- BEING 回顾 | 碧云有行 艺术陪伴 :9月4日刘毅个展视障导览&"我心中的自然"工作坊活动
- A Guided Tour and Workshop for Visual-Impaired Persons at Being Art Museum
- BEING 活动 | 碧云有行 艺术陪伴系列行动之「摄影展无障碍艺术导览」&「爱的时光音乐会」
- Live Concert and A Guided Tour for People with Alzheimer's Disease at Being Art Museum
- 9. 【德国驻上海总领事馆文化教育处】
- 展览预告 | “十分之一” #dawa2022Exhibition "Black Dog" Opened in Shanghai
北京 / Beijing - 1.【残障姐妹BEST】
- 国际聋人节:以手语之音,感传统文化之韵 | 「走进故宫」听障体验官专场
- International Day of the Deaf:A Guided Tour of the Forbidden City for Deaf Visitors
香港 / Hong Kong
- 1.【香港演艺学院HKAPA教育】
- 香港演艺学院舞蹈学院于艺术空间启动赛马会「触动」舞蹈计划 ⸺「触动」舞蹈课In collaboration with the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts launched "JC Dance Well Project" for Persons with Parkinson’s Disease