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海外新闻 Global News
- 1.【ReelAbilities】ReelAbilities Film Festival opened from April 7-13, 2022美国规模最大的残障电影节ReelAbilities开幕https://reelabilities2022.eventive.org/welcome
- 2.【South Shields Musuem & Art Gallery】Sensory Journeys: Bringing stories to life with your help感观旅行:把故事带到你身边https://southshieldsmuseum.org.uk/learning/sensory-journeys
- 3.【University of Toronto】Art exhibit at U of T Scarborough challenges visitors to view disability differently多伦多大学的艺术展览让参观者从不同角度看待残障https://www.utoronto.ca/news/art-exhibit-u-t-scarborough-challenges-visitors-view-disability-differently
- 4.【Accessible Arts】Sydney Writers' Festival – The Accessible Writer will start on May 19, 2022悉尼文学节的无障碍对话https://aarts.net.au/news/the-accessible-writer/
Spain / 西班牙
- 5.【吴文化博物馆】国际博物馆观察 | MNAC:为了地区和所有人的教育服务MNAC: For Everyone's Education
本地新闻 Local News
上海 /Shanghai
- 1.【刺鸟栖息地】“传声筒”架起沟通的桥梁 “600号画廊”第三期展览今起面向公众The Third Exhibition at No. 600 Gallery Opened to Public
- 2.【上海久事美术馆】“聆听青春,畅想未来” | 久事美术馆听障人士特别关爱专场暖心落幕A Special Tour for the Deaf at Shanghai Jiushi Art Musem to Commemorate National Eye Care Day on March 3, 2022
北京 / Beijing
- 3.【故宫宣教】走进故宫,体验残健融合文化之旅A Barrier-free Tour of the Forbidden City
浙江· 杭州 / Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province
- 4.【西戏 XIXI LIVE】杭州首演|无障碍表演剧场《午夜电影》(由于疫情延期举办)Primier Show: Accessbile Show "Midnight Movie" (postponed due to covid)
广东·广州 /Guangzhou, Guangdong Province
- 5.【广州大剧院】广州大剧院×王翀丨无声戏剧计划演员招募现正启动!Call for Deaf Actor Application for Wang Chong's Silence Theatre Workshop at Guangzhou Opera House